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Welcome to Fantage Twinkle. We have a few rules you need to follow when you are chatting to keep out drama or kicking or banning (: 1. No Cussing/Swearing. 2. No Spam - Smileys are ok, not too much though :) 3. No Advertising. Nor pc, we will find out 4. Don't give any personal information to anyone. People will find you. 5. No posing as anyone else but yourself. 6. Mods, DO NOT abuse your powers and ban/kick for no reason. You will be turned back into a member if you do 7. You're allowed to use caps *BUT* not in a mean oraggressive way. If the mods or owners tell you stop, then stop. 8. Don't erase peoples doodles. You need permission to do that, it's rude :3 9. Don't ask for ranks 10. Don't flood the chat 11. Don't argue with the owners which will only make things worse 12. Don't annoy/bother someone on purpose to get them annoyed. We will try to give warnings before we kick or ban ~ ~ Thank you :)

All about Co Owners hehe!

Hi Yall !! This is Erin here im gonna tell u all bout myself

first my two bestest friends are smiley aka brookie and anna luv ya bestiez!!!Hehe sooo i like bunny rabbits 

me favorite
 ice cream flavour
 is Cookies and Cream if u wanna see more go to
Oh Yea i forgot i luuv!!!*drum roll*PANDAS they are so cute!!!